Sunday, 19 July 2020


Arrest: To take someone into custody legally.
Ban: To forbid or limit something.
Break-in: To enter somewhere without consent or by force.
Break-out: To leave somewhere without consent or by force.
Break the law: To go against the law.
Burgle: To enter (a building) illegally with the intent to commit theft.
Charge: To accuse someone of an illegal act.
Commit a crime: To do something illegal.
Escape: To break free from confinement or control.
Getaway: An escape or quick departure, especially after committing a crime.
Get away with: To avoid prosecution for a criminal act.
Hold up: To point a weapon at someone to make them give them money or a valuable good.
Investigate: To look deeper into a matter and gather information about what happened.
Rob: To take something forcefully from someone unwilling.
Steal: To take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

1 comment:

  1. 1.Rajeev has been arrested by the police.

    2.The Government of India has banned Chinese mobile apps.

    3.Harish is charged of a murder.

    4.A case was filed against John for committing a crime.

    5.To getaway after breaking my sister's favorite coffee mug was not an easy task.
