Thursday, 2 July 2020


1. Do you read a daily newspaper?
I don’t, I’m afraid. Like a lot of people, I get my news from the internet. It’s so much faster.
2. What kind of books do you like to read?
Oh, all kinds really. I’ve got about a hundred books at home, actually: fiction, non-fiction, and lots of books about art.
3. How often do you use a library?
Well, I’m a student so I’m in the library almost everyday. I don’t always use it to find books, though. I’m more likely to use the computer facilities to look for information online.
4. How many hours a week do you spend reading?
These days I only spend one or two hours reading a book, to be honest. But when I was younger I used to spend almost all my free time reading.
5. Is there anything you find hard to read?
Yes there is, actually. I’m studying to become an accountant and the textbooks are really difficult. I have to read them if I want to pass my exams, though.

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