Monday 29 June 2020


Close ended
Yes /No
Is , Am, Are, was, were, have, has, had, do, does, did
Will , shall, would, could, can, may, might, should
Is(Verb) + Subject + Object?

xamples of closed-ended questions are:
  • Are you feeling better today?
  • May I use the bathroom?
  • Is the prime rib a special tonight?
  • Should I date him?
  • Will you please do me a favor?
  • Have you already completed your homework?
  • Is that your final answer?
  • Were you planning on becoming a fireman?
  • Should I call her and sort things out?
  • Is it wrong to want to live on my own at this age?
  • Shall we make dinner together tonight?
  • Could I possibly be a messier house guest?
  • Might I be of service to you ladies this evening?
  • Did that man walk by the house before?
  • Can I help you with that?
  • May I please have a bite of that pie?
  • Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
  • Is math your favorite subject?
  • Does four plus four equal eight?
  • Is that haunted house really scary?
  • Will you be going to Grandmother's house for Christmas?
  • Did Dad make the cake today?
  • Is there a Mass being held at noon?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • Is he dead?

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