Wednesday, 14 October 2020



Rice That Fights Global Warming

More than half the global population relies on rice as a regular part of their diet. But rice paddies have a downside for the planet too: they produce as much as 17 percent of the world's total methane emissions. That is even more than coal mining emissions, which make 10 percent of total! So Christer Jansson, a plant biochemist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, spent the past 10 years developing SUSIBA2, a genetically modified rice plant that emits almost no methane.

1. What is the negative effect of rice?

  1. It is regular part of more than half of the world population’s diet.
  2. Rice paddies emit more methane than coal mining industry.
  3. Its plantations produce 17% of the world’s total methane emissions.
  4. Rice has genetically modified sort SUSIBA2, which is harmful for health.

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